Frequently Asked Questions

These are most of the questions we have been asked by our customers

Does too much Vermicompost burn plants?
No, surprisingly it doesn’t. We have tested planting into pure vemicompost and it never burned the plants roots.
How long does the Vermicompost stay effective

You can expect the fertilizer to work it’s magic for several months.

How much do I need?

See our blog post on how to use our Vermicompost here.

Do I have those worms in my garden already?

Red Wigglers are very rarely found in our soil – you might have worms in your garden, but they are probably a different type of worm. Look out for worms that are around 10cm long, 0,5cm thick and have a reddish colour.

Is there proof that Vermicompost is better?
There are literally thousands of articles, blog posts and experiments you can find online to prove how great vermicompost works.
Where do your worms come from?
We usually import new worms from Germany or buy them from local farmers if they happened to have any.
Can I also buy the worms?

Yes you can! We sell our Red Wiggler worms per 100. We also sell ready-made worm farms, in these kits is everything you need to get going. 

How quickly do the worms reproduce?

In optimal conditions they will double in +/- 90 days. 

Why is Vermicompost so expensive?
Comparing the price of vermicompost to usual compost is like comparing a wine with grape juice. It works completely different – more like a natural fertilizer. So rather compare its price with chemical fertilizers.
Where are you based?

We produce the composted horse manure and vermicompost at the Avis stables in Windhoek.

Can I give you my worms?
Everyone likes gifts – and so do we! If you have some worms to give away we are always happy to welcome them to our garden.
Can I order bigger quantities of Vermicompost?
Most definitely you can! Just give us a call or shoot us an email – all details are on our contact us page
How can you do worm tea?

Read our blog post and soon you will making fantastic worm tea to keep your garden refreshed and fertile!

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